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List of Resources


Monthly Support Group for Infertility and Pregnancy Losses

A safe haven for sharing experiences and building resilience within a compassionate community.


Fertility Treatment Cycles Giveaway

At a minimum, offer two fertility treatment cycle grants annually to couples who meet eligibility guidelines based on funds obtained during fundraising or through clinic partnerships.. These cycles symbolize the hope we strive to bring to every family’s life.

BYBB Program

Bring Your Baby Blanket Ministry*: Inspired by FEI founder DoctorTazz personal journey, as shared in Chapter 10 of her book “The Secret to Faith in Infertility”.

The BYBB Program is founded on the profound symbolism of baby blankets. DoctorTazz story resonates with the power of faith and the journey from infertility and pregnancy loss to the arrival of her rainbow babies.

Fertility Fridays

Fertility Fridays @ Five: Led by our founder, DoctorTazz, these educational and inspiring live sessions are held at a minimum twice per month on social media to provide a wealth of knowledge, from medical insights to emotional support. Guests range from fertility experts, to mothers in loss, in waiting, surrogates and more.

Fertility Fridays: Archived Recordings

Follow @fertilityempower for More of Our Live Fertility Fridays Show to Be Empowered on Your Fertility Journey
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